cupcake brooch

Cupcake Brooches
good as a birthday badge ☆-(^ー'*)

finger pupet : ninja & kimono girl


Cute kimono girls and their Ninja guardians :D
Do you want to play fighting action or love story? ☆-(^ー'*)

radish & beetroot

Another vegetable
radish and beetroot :D
Fresh leaves on like they are just harvested (*′з`)


Again I dont know why...
but felt like mushroom today (*′з`)
Shiitake and Shimeji exotic mushrroms
and common chesnut mushrooms ( ´∀`)

corn & asparagas


Another new series "vegetable"
The first ones are corn on the cob
and asparagas :D
Don't know why but suddenly I wanted to make them (´∀`)

"dough"noughts and crosses

Round and cross shaped doughtnuts
play noughts and crosses?  ☆-(^ー'*)